Friday, June 29, 2007

Streets of Wittenberg

Preeminent confessional Lutheran theological educators from five continents walking from the Castle Church in Wittenberg down the street to Luther's home. After singing "A Might Fortress" in the Castle Church we saw the city church where Luther preached and the Augustinian monestery that was Luther's home. What a way to make the Reformation history come alive. We also say the Wittenberg University where Luther was a professor of theology and the Bible. You could almost hear him condemning the practice of indulgences to buy forgiveness, and preaching the gospel message of free savation in the work of Christ. The just shall live by faith.
Pastor Nidaira, our Japanese colleague and brother, stands in front of the pulpit of the City Church from which Luther often preached.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Munich time

When I was just out of seminary I built a large grandfathers clock just over 7 feet tall, and I thought that was a large one. This one is in the Frauenkirche in Munich, just off to the side behind the main altar. It must be at least three times taller than mine.
One interesting thing we noticed on our trip is that many public buildings in Germany have clocks in their towers. But one difference from the tower clocks in Latin America, you can tell time by the clocks in Germany, they're running.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wartburg Castle

This was well worth the long long stair climb. It's where Luther spent nearly a year in hiding and translated the New Testament into German.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ahhhhh, Munich

Prost in Dresden

Apparently Saxony is historically where the best bratwurst comes from. Incidently, Thuringia formerly was part of Saxony. On the west side of Germany we just about couldn't find brats, only knackwurst, like a big hotdog. Saxony also produces some excellent pilsener.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Attack swan

A fun moment that we witnessed at the Englisch Garten in Munich.

Batch'n it

Back home after three weeks on the road in Germany and Wisconsin. Marlene went on to Oregon to visit the Naomi and Rafa so I'm on my own for a few weeks. We had a great time in Europe. We spent a couple of days in Dresden before going to Leipzig for a week-long conference of confessional Lutheran seminary heads from around the world: wonderful fellowship and some great sharing. Then we visited Munich for a couple of days and finished up with a few days at Cochem on the Mosel River.